Implantable Neural Interface for Cochlear Implants

Interface for Cochlear Implants

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Documenttype: Application report
Date: 15/Sep/2021

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LPKF ProtoLaser realizes Arrays

The South Korean startup TODOC has developed and launched an innovative cochlear electrode array using a novel production process. Thanks to LPKF laser systems, it has been possible to accommodate 32 channels on the biocompatible alloy for the first time.

Production was automated as far as possible. This means that all 32 channels can be produced in a single process. This makes production very economical. Todoc aims to use the new implant to make this otherwise very expensive technology available to many people, including in developing countries.

Learn more on the use of the ProtoLaser R in the production of the electrode array in our application report and register now for a free download.

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