Materials Research with Ultrashort Pulse Laser Source

Materials Research with Ultrashort-Pulse Laser Source

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Documenttype: Application report
Date: 19/Sep/2021

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University of Bayreuth uses new LPKF ProtoLaser R4

The LPKF ProtoLaser R4 is specifically designed for research on a wide variety of materials. The system features a 515 nm picosecond laser source with galvo scanning unit and comes standard with a fiducial alignment camera, an X/Y/Z vacuum stage and LPKF CircuitPro PL software.

The University of Bayreuth now has this laser system and sees it as "invaluable for researching and developing innovative functional materials, such as highly sensitive sensors or ultra-fine structured printed circuit boards.

Learn more on the possibilities of the ProtoLaser R4 in our application report and and register now for a free download.

LPKF Laser & Electronics SE  •  Osteriede 7  •  30827 Garbsen  •  Germany  •  Tel.: +49 (0) 5131 7095-0  •  Fax: +49 (0) 5131 7095-90
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