LPKF ProtoLaser and LPKF LDS Process

LPKF ProtoLaser and LPKF LDS Process

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Documenttype: Techpaper
Date: 05/Jul/2022

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Al2O3 In-house Additive Manufacturing

Ceramics are widely used and popular materials in electronics due to high heat resistance, good thermal conductivity, very low CTE (Coefficient of Thermal Expansion), excellent resistivity to chemicals, no humidity absorption, no outgassing and low signal loss. Alumina (Al2O3) has been used since the 1950’s for thick film technology. Even today, many sensors, passive and active components are based on alumina, aluminum nitride (AlN), or silicon nitride (SiN) to name a few, but these ceramic materials have also become indispensable circuit carriers for power electronics, LEDs, and RF/MW amplifiers.

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