Structuring CuFlon on LPKF ProtoLaser R

Structuring CuFlon on LPKF ProtoLaser R

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Documenttype: Application report
Date: 19/Sep/2016

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Ultra short laser pulses for gentle processing

The application report documents how laser technology is significantly expanding the options for micromaterials processing. With resolutions in the range of the laser beam’s focus diameter – around 15 μm in the system under consideration here – a rapid beam guidance through high-quality optics, and a broad parameter range, the laser can be used for many tasks in micromaterials processing. Laser systems generally create their interactions through chemical processes, heating, vaporization, or structure modifications.

In processing with ultra-short pulses, the affected materials are modified so quickly – vaporized as a rule – that the surrounding areas are not affected by heat. This cold ablation allows the processing of thinner and more sensitive materials with a level of precision previously unattainable.

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