Design Rules for Laser Structured MID Components

LPKF-LDS Design Rules

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Documenttype: Techpaper
Date: 01/Sep/2010

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LDS MID Design Rules

Developing MID components (moulded interconnect devices) is a complex procedure no matter which process or technology is used. This guide helps especially the developer of MIDs that are based on the LPKF laser direct structuring process (LPKF-LDS® process) in the interdisciplinary development process.

To avoid errors or designs unsuitable for production, a very close cooperation between all participants in the individual processes is required already in the early stages of the project.

This applies not only to the LDS process steps injection moulding, laser structuring, and metallisation that are discussed in more detail in this document, but extends to the area of mounting and bonding of electronic components in case of populated MIDs.

To learn more about the LDS design rules please register now to download your free copy and get library access.

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